I saw her when I was on my way to my favorite restaurant on Oxford street.
she was so stylish !! so I had a mind to ask her to take fashion.
when she turned her head forward me, however, I could notice that she is Sandra !!!!!
Hello Sandra :D
it's our second street shoot !!
her blog -> 5 inch and up
she's look super gorgeous!anda hebat
She breathes fashion.Beautiful.
love the poncho. great shot.
Very cool girl :D I love this. Keep in touch, Kimberley xxx
I had a great time going through theses pages and couldn't stop wanting for more. Congrats and cheers, Ivan
Ah-mazing photo! Sandra has a great sense of style!!
<3 Kelly
Absolutely AMAZING! :)
Love your blog!
love her style !
i love the shawl, she looks so effortlessly cool
she is adorable...love your blog
I lonve Sandra. she's so stylish!
thanks for your comment ! I'm so glad a great fashion photographer come on my little "fashion" blog :)
I love your work , I wish one day someone will take pictures of me just because I'm well dress ;)
See u !
love her knit :)
This is a great shot. Like your style.
Perfect shot !
I love her look .
The contrast between her hair color
and this clothes is beautiful .
Elegant and powerful .
shes cute!
She breathes fashion.Beautiful.
Yet the 'Stickiness Factor' does offer an explanation quite different. Reality TV shows began in the 1940s, and were adapted as extensions to the candid microphone programs that were gaining popularity on radio. Extended tours typically also include an intimate cruise over the famed Waimea Canyon, the “Grand Canyon of the Pacific”; a rocky cactus covered gorge located on the arid leeward eastside of Kauai and is a stark contrast to the wet rainforest.
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